If your bonus doesn't have the proper withholdings taken out up front, it may create taxes due when you file your tax return.This has been an ongoing issue for people who are paid bonuses during the tax
Read MoreTax law has an exception for unconventional “homeowners”. If you are able to “itemize” your deductions, you can deduct the mortgage interest payments even when the deed to the house and the mortgage
Read MoreIf you’re self-employed or a freelancer, you are likely paid as an independent contractor rather than as an employee. And paying taxes as an independent contractor is different from paying employee taxes.Many
Read MoreFind out what it takes to be part of the "44%" who don't pay taxes.You've probably heard about the famed 44% of Americans who pay no income taxes at all. How do you join this club? Here are several ways
Read MoreDid you work from home this year? Find out when you can claim the home-office tax deduction. If you were part of the “Great Resignation” and it lead you to start a business or become your own
Read MoreBusinesses that have been investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are dealing with uncertainty regarding crypto accounting and taxes as the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Internal
Read MoreThe Internal Revenue Service is looking to hire more than 5,000 employees in three cities over the next few months, and another 5,000 employees over the course of the next year. It has also added voice
Read MoreNow you can check the status of a tax refund in just a few clicks using the Where’s My Refund tool created by the IRSBy far, the question most asked of any tax professional (erroneously, because we have
Read MoreThe IRS has created a special page to provide current updates and the latest tax filing informationTo assist taxpayers and tax professionals, the IRS created Help for taxpayers and tax professionals: Special
Read MoreTo protect your privacy, IRS employees won't talk to just anyone about your taxes. To give them permission to discuss your taxes with someone other than yourself, the IRS will need a power of attorney
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