Beating the IRS for 42 Years! (855) 952-1012

Seizure of Passport

Seizure of Passport

The State Department generally will not issue a passport to you after receiving delinquent debt certification from the IRS. Not only that, they can revoke your current passport. If your tax debt is seriously delinquent, it gets reported to the State Department and then they act. This usually occurs when an individual has substantial unpaid federal debt, a notice of federal tax lien has been issued, an IRS Levy has been issued and all other remedies have been exhausted. When this happens, you’re not going anywhere without making things right with the IRS.

Seizure of Passport

Seizure of Passport

The State Department generally will not issue a passport to you after receiving delinquent debt certification from the IRS. Not only that, they can revoke your current passport. If your tax debt is seriously delinquent, it gets reported to the State Department and then they act. This usually occurs when an individual has substantial unpaid federal debt, a notice of federal tax lien has been issued, an IRS Levy has been issued and all other remedies have been exhausted. When this happens, you’re not going anywhere without making things right with the IRS.

When You Ignore Delinquent Tax Notices,
the IRS can Seize Your Passport.

The Determination of Whether Bankruptcy will Alleviate Your Tax Debt Depends 
Upon Several Factors, Such As the Nature of the Tax Liability and the Type of Bankruptcy Proceeding You Are In. Talk to Us...We're the Experts in Bankruptcy Tax Relief!

TAX PROBLEM: If you fail to respond to IRS notices to satisfy a significantly delinquent debt, they will revoke your current passport or prevent you from getting one. If you have seriously delinquent tax, the IRS is authorized to certify that debt to the State Department for action. The State Department generally will not issue a passport to you after receiving that certification from the IRS. According to the IRS, seriously delinquent tax debt is an individual's unpaid, legally enforceable federal tax debt totaling more than $51,000 (including interest and penalties). Before denying a passport, the State Department will hold your application for 90 days to allow you to resolve any erroneous certification issues, make full payment of the tax debt or enter into a satisfactory payment arrangement with the IRS. Before things get to this stage, you need Larry Heinkel – an experienced, highly qualified tax attorney – to help you get back on track with your taxes – and your travels.

CONSEQUENCE: If you continue to ignore your tax problem, your travel privileges will be denied.
If your U.S. passport application is denied or your U.S. passport is revoked, the State Department will notify you in writing. If you need your U.S. passport to travel for business, or you are a business consultant doing business with overseas businesses, imagine how difficult it would be telling your employer or explaining to your client you are unable to leave the U.S. because your passport was revoked due to a large unpaid tax debt. You might get fired from your job. If you're a business owner, you're likely to lose a client. Your employer nor a client wants the IRS in their business because you failed to pay your taxes.

Get this, it's real. It's happening now. Whatever your delinquent tax debt is, once it’s on the IRS’ radar, it will be certified and your ability to use your passport will be revoked through the State Department. You must pay the balance in full, or make an alternative payment arrangement to have that passport seizure certification reversed.

Don’t Ignore the IRS – Things Get Bad Quickly!
The Determination of Whether Bankruptcy will Alleviate Your Tax Debt Depends 
Upon Several Factors, Such As the Nature of the Tax Liability and the Type of Bankruptcy Proceeding You Are In. Talk to Us...We're the Experts in Bankruptcy Tax Relief!

SOLUTION: Let the specialists at Tax Problem Solver help negotiate a Game Plan that’s right for you.
There are solutions to your tax problems that allow you to avoid having your passport revoked. They include repayment plans (installment agreements) and settlements (Offers in Compromise), and both can stop or prevent passport seizure. The State Department will only hold your application for 90 days to allow you to resolve your delinquent tax debt in some fashion. That’s why Tax Problem Solver should represent you through this very critical 90-day period and through every step of the process, acting as a go-between with you and the IRS to achieve the best possible plan for you to avoid having your passport seized. Once you’ve resolved your tax problem with them, the IRS will reverse the certification within 30 days of resolution of the issue and then provide notification to the State Department, in order to restore your ability to utilize a passport.

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Don’t Ignore the IRS – Things Get Bad Quickly!

Larry Talks About How He and The Tax Problem Solver Team will Work with You to Create a Game Plan to Solve Your Tax Debt Situation Before It Gets Worse.

Unlike Our Competitors, We Employ Only Accomplished and Compassionate Tax Attorneys
and Tax Resolution Specialists, Who Work as a Team to Solve Your Problems.


Vice President & COO


Joe McDermott, E.A. Former IRS Appeals Officer



Emmalee Wallace,
Client Support Specialist

Mike Uribe 
Case Manager/Marketing & Intake Manager

Reina Collins 
Full Charge Bookkeeper

Peter R. Lazzari,
Certified Public Accountant

Deann L. Wojcicki,
Certified Public Accountant

Why You Should Choose the Tax Problem Solver Team!

  • Your case will be reviewed by an expert Tax Attorney and other tax professionals including Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents – on-staff and in-house – at your disposal.
  • Being Tax Attorneys, we have all the available tools at our disposal for your best tax resolution outcome.
  • Experience! For nearly 40-years, I've helped thousands of taxpayers WIN. My team and I know how the IRS thinks and works. Put our experience on your side.
  • We provide personalized attention to the details of each case, representing our clients in all dealings with the IRS including responding to all IRS communications.
  • Even if you haven't filed your taxes for a number of years, we can help get you back on track in restoring your financial security.
  • In most cases, we are able to settle outstanding taxes, penalties, and accumulated interest for a fraction of the amount due.
  • You can trust in our safe & secure site – all your information is held in the strictest confidence and none is ever sold or shared with third parties.
  • We will always go above and beyond to make your tax resolution process easier.

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