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Unpaid State Employee Withholding Taxes


Your responsibility, as an employer, is to collect, report and pay state employee payroll taxes. Furthermore, as a responsible party for your company, you can be held personally liable for willful failure to withhold employee payroll taxes or to pay withheld taxes to state agencies. And it doesn’t matter if you forgot your tax deposit due date or missed it because you were running short, you’re still subject to penalties that could include your business being shut down or even prison time!

Unpaid Federal Employee Withholding Taxes


Your responsibility, as an employer, is to collect, report and pay state employee payroll taxes. Furthermore, as a responsible party for your company, you can be held personally liable for willful failure to withhold employee payroll taxes or to pay withheld taxes to state agencies. And it doesn’t matter if you forgot your tax deposit due date or missed it because you were running short, you’re still subject to penalties that could include your business being shut down or even prison time!

Collecting State Employee Taxes and Not Paying Them Can Put Your Company and You at Risk.

A Tax Levy Means the IRS Can Seize Property or Other Assets to Cover Your Outstanding Tax Bill. The Tax Problem Solver Team Can Help!

The Determination of Whether Bankruptcy will Alleviate Your Tax Debt Depends 
Upon Several Factors, Such As the Nature of the Tax Liability and the Type of Bankruptcy Proceeding You Are In. Talk to Us...We're the Experts in Bankruptcy Tax Relief!

TAX PROBLEM: You Have Collected State Employee Taxes and Did Not Report, File or Pay Them to the State.
Your employees trust you to withhold the right amount of state employee taxes from their paychecks and send it on to the appropriate agency. If you, as the business owner, fail to file and pay your state employee taxes, the debt is then considered by law to be a theft from your employees. Here’s how to think about it: the payroll taxes you collect belong to the state and is their money. And, by the way, that includes not filing for other payroll tax obligations, including annual wage and tax reporting for independent contractors.

The bottom line is this: you are required to file and pay state employee taxes. If you don’t, the state will find you and levy significant penalties on your company, and potentially, on you!

CONSEQUENCE: Non-payment of State Employee Taxes Means Stiff Penalties, Business Disruption and, If Severe, Possible Jail Time!
Just like the IRS, state revenue departments assess penalties and interest on tax debt. However, states can do even more, like taking, revoking or suspending state licenses like driving, professional, and hunting/fishing licenses. In many cases, though, the consequences can be even more significant. They can include having company property seized, such as inventory and equipment, loss of sales tax licenses, even the possibility of losing your business. Worse still, you could go to jail!

Even if you use a payroll service or someone else to do your payroll work, including reports and deposits, you are not relieved of your responsibility as an employer to see that the tax returns are filed on time and that all taxes are paid correctly. Finally, any penalties, fees, judgements or liens are not dischargeable by filing for bankruptcy.

Don’t Ignore the IRS – Things Get Bad Quickly!
The Determination of Whether Bankruptcy will Alleviate Your Tax Debt Depends 
Upon Several Factors, Such As the Nature of the Tax Liability and the Type of Bankruptcy Proceeding You Are In. Talk to Us...We're the Experts in Bankruptcy Tax Relief!

SOLUTION: Keeping the State at Bay May Be Just as Simple as Getting Help from the Specialists at Tax Problem Solver.
The State doesn’t fool around with what they consider their money and will go to practically any length to collect your tax debt. However, if you’re in this dilemma there is a simple solution: tax attorney Larry Heinkel and the team of specialists at Tax Problem Solver. With 35+ years of experience dealing with government institutions and people, the Tax Problem Solver Team is eminently familiar with the ins and outs of these types of proceedings and the most qualified to advise you.

They know just what to say and do to protect your business and to protect you. You can eliminate any of these complications that can hurt your company by allowing Larry Heinkel to negotiate on your behalf.

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Don’t Ignore the IRS – Things Get Bad Quickly!

Larry Talks About How He and The Tax Problem Solver Team will Work with You to Create a Game Plan to Solve Your Tax Debt Situation Before It Gets Worse.

Unlike Our Competitors, We Employ Only Accomplished and Compassionate Tax Attorneys
and Tax Resolution Specialists, Who Work as a Team to Solve Your Problems.


Vice President & COO


Joe McDermott, E.A. Former IRS Appeals Officer



Emmalee Wallace,
Client Support Specialist

Mike Uribe 
Case Manager/Marketing & Intake Manager

Reina Collins 
Full Charge Bookkeeper

Peter R. Lazzari,
Certified Public Accountant

Deann L. Wojcicki,
Certified Public Accountant

Why You Should Choose the Tax Problem Solver Team!

  • Your case will be reviewed by an expert Tax Attorney and other tax professionals including Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents – on-staff and in-house – at your disposal.
  • Being Tax Attorneys, we have all the available tools at our disposal for your best tax resolution outcome.
  • Experience! For nearly 40-years, I've helped thousands of taxpayers WIN. My team and I know how the IRS thinks and works. Put our experience on your side.
  • We provide personalized attention to the details of each case, representing our clients in all dealings with the IRS including responding to all IRS communications.
  • Even if you haven't filed your taxes for a number of years, we can help get you back on track in restoring your financial security.
  • In most cases, we are able to settle outstanding taxes, penalties, and accumulated interest for a fraction of the amount due.
  • You can trust in our safe & secure site – all your information is held in the strictest confidence and none is ever sold or shared with third parties.
  • We will always go above and beyond to make your tax resolution process easier.

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