Over the years, taxpayers have concocted a lot of zany arguments to justify their tax breaks. Here are some of the most creative ones that the courts decided did not quite work. Take note: many of these
Read MoreMany small-business owners don’t take full advantage of the opportunities available to them to reduce what they pay in taxes. Below are a few often-overlooked tips to consider. Small-business owners
Read MoreThe deduction is still there, but you might not be able to use it anymore. One of the most popular and lucrative tax breaks has been the deduction for mortgage interest, and while tax reform didn’t
Read MoreThe Tax Cuts and Jobs Act represents the most significant overhaul to the U.S. tax code in more than three decades, so millions of Americans are wondering which tax breaks they’ll still be able
Read MoreTrust Fund Recovery Penalty (or TFRP) resolution is a very important part of any tax problem resolution practice, and it can mean a lot of extra income for any CPA practice offering this service – there’s
Read MoreSo you already filed your 2017 taxes and you’re getting a refund. Congratulations! The average, according to the IRS, is more than $3,000, which is a mini-windfall of sorts. Maybe you’ve been eyeing
Read MoreMost people cringe when they hear the word audit – and it’s a deserved reaction. Going through the process and ultimately resolving an audit is definitely not fun and could be costly, so it’s
Read MoreIt can be very difficult to determine and qualify the difference between the two. Here’s an example of how to be sure to (eventually) get on the IRS’ radar regarding this matter: Deduct hefty
Read MoreOver the years, I’ve been asked how taxes on Social Security benefits are calculated, and if there are any strategies that would help them avoid paying taxes on their benefits? Whether your Social
Read MoreWhen you’re planning for retirement, it’s fun to contemplate all the cruises, rounds of golf, and restaurant visits you have ahead of you. After all, you’ve earned it! Unfortunately, many retirees
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